Thursday 19 May 2011


I figured out that people in class around me were making it more difficult for themselves when selecting objects and grouping them, Instead of selecting "all connected" faces and then grouping, you can triple click on the form and then group it.

Change of texutres

I have changed the maze form back to the crumpled paper texture instead of being metal in the previous render and painted the cross form a plain grey.  I think the use of two textures (glossy red paint and crumpled paper) as well as a plain colour gives the elegant, simple look I'm going for.

New Render

I decided to add more detail into my maze so that when I move onto the movement part of the brief, I will be able to move around more instead of coming to dead ends.  I think it also contrasts between the symmetrical shape of the cross and the assymetrical form of the maze better than it did before.  I think the form from a wide shot looks reasonably asthetically pleasing.  I'm just now going to play with colours and textures that make the model more elegant.